Website Introduction

This website is a culmination of dreams and life experiences which have led me to this extremely exciting, terrifying and invigorating season of my life.  I am finishing up a month on an island where I have been able to reflect on where I have been, where I am and where I am being led to go in the near future.  It has been an awesome and humbling month, to say the least.  I highly recommend a sabbatical from everyday life.  It is necessary to regain clarity and direction.

I wanted to share with you some of the things that have risen to the top of my experiences.   As time goes by, I hope add other important topics to my website.  Hopefully these experiences will help you and your family members as you walk through the seasons of your life.  I am asked a few questions many times, so I wanted to begin with those here:

  1. What is the best version of the Bible to use?  My immediate response is this: The one you will pick up and read.  The wisdom and truth from the Bible will not mysteriously make its way into your heart if you do not put in the effort to read it, digest it, and learn to live it.  That being said, I absolutely love the Life Application Bibles.  They break down the history, the characters and the life themes as it pertains to our lives today.  I love to study topically and the Life App Bible helps me do that.
  2. Are there any books or authors who have made a difference in my walk with God? I have made a list of three books and their authors who have marked growth in my spiritual journey.

    Just Like Jesus:  Learning to Have a Heart Like His by Max Lucado
    “God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you there.  He wants you to be just like Jesus.” 

    Experiencing God:  Knowing and Doing the Will of God by Henry Blackaby
    “A modern classic that has sold millions of copies worldwide, “Experiencing God” is based on seven Scriptural realities that teach us how to develop a true relationship with the Creator.”

    Girls With Swords:  How to Carry Your Cross Like A Hero by Lisa Bevere
    “What if you discovered you have been entrusted with an invisible, invincible, and incorruptible weapon?  Would you use it?  Move beyond only study and begin to wield the Word of God!”

  3. Why you?  Why does your family look like this?  How do you do it?  The questions are broad but have a very narrow answer.  It’s me because I said I was willing to be used.  My family looks like this because we said yes to the needs in the family of God.  Our family does it because we choose love.  We have submitted our old ways of life to accept the current assignments where God needs us.  In God’s economy, self-sacrifice is currency and God takes care of His own.

  4. When can we read the things you write?  The answer to that is NOW.  I will link or post the things I write through this website.  Thank you for wanting to read them.   Leave me a comment and I would love to talk to you.