Statement of Faith

One life lesson I have learned is to recognize that I have been made for a purpose, fashioned by a God who loves me, and strengthened by life experiences to be used for His glory in His kingdom. I have shared with you that my life path has led me to be in opposition to important people in my life.  I have shared a few of the struggles I faced mentally and emotionally as I have walked this earthly existence.

I want to encourage each of you to find your center, your source of power, strength and encouragement. I found mine and I refuse to let go.  Psalms 28:7, “The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.”  He created me, He knows me, and He loves me.  Even when I mess up and wander off the path, when life smacks me in the face and I fall down, my Jesus loves me.  My God sustains me. 

I worked for many years in a church. I gave it my all.  I learned a lot about myself, about other Christians and about what God requires of His children.  I think I held every position offered at one time or another.  Never all at the same time…that’s just crazy.  God used my work experience to supplement my service at church.  He brought me moms to love and children to care for.  My pastor told me the worst hurt I will ever feel will come from fellow Christians.  I didn’t believe that was possible at the time, but I do now.  He was very wise and very honest with me. 

People will let you down. They are human and fallen and capable of hurtful things.  They are also the embodiment of Christ and glowing and healing.  Find a few friends you can count on.  Collect acquaintances, but cultivate a few good friendships.  It takes work, but God can give you such a blessing if you let Him and choose to do the work to have that friendship.  My family does not agree with the way I live my life, but my God does.  I have friends who support our decision to love orphaned children and broken young adults.  They don’t always understand the how and why, but they understand our heart.

That’s really all that is required of us, you know. Get to know the heart of God, develop the heart of God within ourselves and share that heart with others.  It doesn’t matter who “approves” as long as God has given you your path and you work to stay on it.  We were made to please those we love.  It is hard to know those we love do not approve of our life path.  I pray they will see the truth some day and be proud of the stand I have taken for the Kingdom.  In the meantime, I have a Heavenly Father willing to give me guidance and love to sustain my daily walk.

He knows the plans He has for me (Jeremiah 29:11), I don’t have to have all the answers (Proverbs 3:5-6), and my reward is both here and coming (Proverbs 31:28-29 and Hebrews 11:6). I trust my Father.  He is my Source of encouragement and approval when I do not find it in others.  I choose to place my faith in the One who made me.  I have decided to “Let Go” of controlling my own life.  You can, too.