10 Things I notice about you

I have always watched you.  Cared about you and cared for you.  I can’t remember a time when it wasn’t my job to consider you in my everyday life.  I have made it a game, of sorts, to figure out how you think and feel and how to best meet your needs.  I want you to know that I “see” you.  These are some of the things I notice about you:

1.        You are very loving.  The ways you used to show love are not there anymore, but the need to show love still is.  I love the way you want  to love us.

2.       You are very generous.  I have watched you give away your last dollar, the clothes in your closet, the food in your kitchen and even ask if you have money to share with someone you care about.   I love the generous spirit you possess even when it could cause you harm.

3.       You have a desire for God and the church.  Most days it is an effort to get up, bathe, dress and go to church but you still do.  Most days.  On those days when you can’t, you are watching pastors on the television and spending time with your God.  I love the love you have for God and his people.

4.       You like good food.  The foods you enjoy have not changed much over the years.  I want you to know that I have noticed the foods you like and have made every effort to make sure you get to eat them.  I am teaching your grandchildren what you like so they can also meet your needs.  I love that you love good food.

5.       I notice that bath tubs are not working for you anymore.  Because I see this, you now have a walk-in shower in your home and even at my home in case you need it there.  Your safety is very important to me.  I love that you can be independent a little bit longer.

6.       I notice that kitchen appliances do not work for you like they used to.  Who would have thought the appliances created to make our lives simpler were now the same appliances that cause you stress because you cannot remember how to use them properly?  I love that you are making adjustments to continue taking care of yourself.

7.       I notice that you enjoy doing your laundry.  Laundry is something you can still do well.  You can fold your towels the way you want them.  You can hang your clothes the direction you want them.  Even inside out on the hangers if it makes you happy.  I love to help you keep enjoying the things you have always enjoyed doing.

8.       I notice you miss your independence.  The ability to drive was your sense of freedom.  It has also become a source of stress and danger to your life and to others around you.  Adjusting to the change of not driving has been hard, but you are doing it.  I love the fact that I get to be the one to drive you places and spend time with you.

9.       I notice you are lonely. Because you cannot drive or take off on your own anymore you do not see people as often as you used to.  People have to come to you now.  You have found ways to be active in your community without needing to drive.  Bingo, games and potlucks are now your social circle.  I love that you like to spend time with other people and brighten their day.

10.   I notice how you love children and animals.  The sight of a baby brings a smile across your face.  The presence of a puppy (no matter how old) makes you giggle and want to rub its fur.  I love that your heart is tender to the smaller versions of yourself.

These are just a few of the things I notice about you.  I wanted you to know that “I SEE YOU” and you have not gone away.  As long as I am breathing you will be cared for.  Your family will know what you like and how you like it.  There will be stories about you and with you.  You are loved.

2 thoughts on “10 Things I notice about you

  1. oh, teresa! what a blessing to your loved one that you ‘see’ them. praying for them…and you.

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